Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Asalamualaikum guys...hi... actually this is my first time to have blog. So might be it would be awkward to write something in this.
At first i would like to be grateful and thanked my lecture Prof.Madya Dr Krishnakumari who has assigned us to have blogs for this sem. But diferent people has different opinion on it but for me she has given me a chance to introduce myself with the blogs itself,and also gives me encouragement to write with opened mind and heart. I'm sorry if i could or would hurt anyone with my writings because i am a type who expressed everything in my head and heart...hahaha...any how i would make sure not to beyond the limits...okay guys ...nice to hear about you and thank you because hear from me to...take care guys... i wil update more and more soon...see you you guys from the moon and back...