Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hey we meet up again after a long break. It was my mid- semester break actually with Raya Haji holiday. You must be happy going back to hometown for a celebration when spending it with your family. I am also happy going back to my hometown which is Penang, the food heaven. Hahaha, when I said about food heaven you can think of some delicious food such as Char Koey Teow,Laksa, Cendol, Ais Kacang  and etc. Yes! this food are the best in Penang and you cant find anywhere else the same taste it is.
Okay just forget about the food ,I am pretty sure you guys cannot concentrate on other things if I talks about food. This week I am going to explain little bit of sourcing materials since we all know about plagiarism last week. Okay for you guys information there are some tips to get trusted materials in Internet before we take it as an idea. First of all, find out about the author , is the author are from trusted organization or any University graduates. There are some articles that have unknown author which we don't know where is the source of the materials. Then, see the updates date of the information. This is because there are some information of an articles are not updated for a long time .  Thus the information might be left behind or  not valid anymore.Other than that, don't always take anything information without any prior knowledge of it because there is some articles might be updated by other irresponsible persons. Thus check first all the information and don't forget to give credits so that you cannot be arrested due to plagiarism act. Okay then I will see you guys next week with a new information and don't forget to have a visit to Penang at least once in your lifetime. If you have been there lets share what else in Penang. Bye Assalamualaikum.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

 Asalamualaikum, here we meet up again after a week. How are you guys and whats up? Has anything you guys wanna share what happens last week. Share with me maybe we can have a relaxing  chit chat on social media.
Okay hrmmm this week i have been thinking of one issues  which most of tertiary students would acknowledge it , its a plagiarism issue!!What do you guys think about this issue? Anything can be shared if it is for a good reasons rite? Hahahaha....
Anyways let me give some opinion on these issue. This issue cannot be demolished totally from its root but it can be reduced slowly rite. Do you know even i did not know about plagiarism until i entered my college,then only my lecturer start to introduce us with this plagiarism. In secondary education level i just took others ideas and knowledge without citate it but now i make a thorough check and citate it before took any information from any source.
Actually, it is just a simple concept, if you have cook A VERY DELICIOUS food with your own research and some investigation  and some other person took credits from it. What would you feel?Would you just let it go or take an action by asking the royalty. It same goes with these plagiarism issue. Don't you think other person would let you go if you just take information or ideas without their name or acknowledge them. So before doing anything just think twice to take an action.
And another one thing to be remembered by the lecturer or teacher, there might be some student never know how to citate or proper way to give credits to them. So as a teacher they should assist their students until they clearly understand with  this issue and also they should give a chance for them to correct it so that they learn from their experience,not by straight away give zero or fired the student right away. Lets make changes together for betterment in future. Okay guys stay tune for my next LYRICS for next week. With a refreshing ideas and hot issues happens among us nowadays. :)